viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


SOOO despues de tanto cambio y estres, he logrado mostrar mi tesis en pequenios congresos y he estado trabajando aun con ranas, HERMOSAS RANAS!!!!

Mi vida professional parece ir por buen camino y espero que siga asi. A hecharle ganas para que sea mejor y prosiga con investigacion!

martes, 10 de enero de 2012



of loneliness and because I absolutely don't know what will happen to my career after this week.

thank you.

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

being a biologist is hard

no one teaches you any experience that is more than 1 year.. and most jobs want you to have experience more than 5 years... the whole degree isn't 5 years. >_>

then when its not experience.. they want people with a minimum of 25 years... really? I'm 22. am I too young for a recently graduated person?

damn.. my life is soooo stressing me out now..


good luck to all next 2 weeks will be intense.