lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

So much to do!

So much to do so little time!

Thesis abstract for poster in herpetology congress
Fix grades that seem to be passed wrong from school.

Well, seems like its not much :P

Anyway, as I said, I got an invitation to post my research in a congress, I look forward to show my work to the world.

And I posted all the paperwork physically possible for my masters programs application!!! woooh! go me!

Tonight I have field work, I am optimistic!
Everything will be fine and work very well!

I want to thank the Natural Protected Area that's helping me out with the study (even if they never read this) and most of all my assistant in frog catching: Daniel, who has been with me since the first day and even without knowing me at all.

wish me luck and pass the good vibes! ;)